
The origin of the project

According to numerous studies, 65% of cancer patients suffer from alopecia (hair loss). This side effect of treatment is a traumatic experience for the majority of patients. It was found that out of 600 patients, 200 wanted to find an alternative to traditional wigs or other accessories.

Our answer

The "Caring Hats" are as similar to everyday hats as possible, so that you don't look different or "sick". They are perfectly adapted to the new head shape. In this way, the project meets a real need. A Caring Hat is an elegant and appropriate response to a painful situation, to the need to be seen for who you are. A Caring Hat inspires admiration rather than compassion.

Professor Martine Piccart, director of scientific research at the Institut Jules Bordet and an international leader in the fight against breast cancer, says: " The project is bold and pioneering because it will help and improve the well-being and self-esteem of patients. These are aspects that are often forgotten, although they are essential pillars in the treatment of the disease. »
Contact us


Professor Berlière, gynaecologist and coordinator of the breast clinic at the King Albert Institute Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc


Soutenez l'ASBL : faites un don

L’asbl Caring Hat Fund a été créée afin d’offrir un Caring Hat aux personnes en difficulté souffrant d’alopécie (perte de cheveux) suite à une maladie grave ou aux traitements de celle-ci (*).

Sa mission est d'offrir un Caring Hat aux personnes en difficulté souffrant d'alopécie (perte de cheveux) suite à une maladie grave ou aux traitements de celle-ci.

Aujourd’hui le nombre de personnes en difficulté désirant un Caring Hat est en constante évolution.

Plus que tout, nous avons besoin de votre soutien.

Grâce à votre générosité, ces personnes bénéficieront gracieusement d’un Caring Hat de leur choix ainsi que des conseils avisés, une adaptation sur mesure et un accompagnement personnalisé. Tout un service plein de bienveillance et de douceur loin de la routine de l’hôpital et des traitements.

*en fonction de la situation financière de notre association
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Faites une donation

Our partners

These are constantly evolving.
Today, we have partnerships with more than thirty hospitals in Belgium.
For more information, please contact the Caring Hat team (+32 2 735 90 41).
Nos partenaires
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